Coming Soon!

Welcome to the

Leading with Meaning

Coaching Mastermind

A Unique Mastermind Experience for Women Leaders

Be among the first to know when the doors officially open!


Exclusive Opportunity! 

Are You Ready to Pivot to More Meaningful Ways of Leading AND Living?

Why You Should Join?

Women leaders are facing a quiet crisis. Discontent, burnout, and frustration over inequitable opportunities, as well as increasing and oft-times unrealistic workloads (at and away from work) are permeating the workplace for women.

And the "Leadership Hustle" (the feeling that you're constantly being asked to hustle for their worth) is causing women leaders to leave the workplace - or consider leaving the workplace - at higher numbers than ever before. However, should leaving the workplace be the only solution to address the issues women leaders are facing?

If this is your experience, then it's time to have the conversations and solutions you want and NEED to have. Conversations that will heal your soul and solutions that allow you to bring your whole and best self to your work and to your life.

This unique coaching experience will unite you with other high-powered women leaders and introduce you to the concept of Meaningful Leadership. Meaningful Leadership will help you tap into your innate strengths so you can lead and live more authentically, at and away from work.


"After working with Coach Kathy even for a few months, I noticed a drastic difference. I am more confident in myself (personally and professionally), and my goals for my work, myself, and my family. I feel more confident and stronger in the decisions I make. I spend MUCH less time and energy overthinking, over-analyzing and second -guessing myself and my decisions. It’s freeing. It’s energizing. It’s amazing. I show up differently for myself. I show up differently for my family.
And I show up differently in my business!"

Kristen Ireland
People Spark Consulting

Why a Coaching Cohort?

Because women notoriously feel as though they are alone!

There is strength in numbers, and success in community, support, and the sharing of ideas and strategies.

Some of What You Get:

  • Access to 'Leading with Meaning [The Playbook]' course
  • Monthly LIVE mastermind calls with Coach Kathy (recorded if you can't attend live)...
  • A DiSC assessment and read-out...
  • Complimentary VIP membership in 'Less Hustle More Meaning, [The Club]'...
  • Access to a leadership coaching video library...
  • Voxer access for spot coaching and check-ins...
  • A members-only community for support & accountability...
  • A life- (and leadership-) changing experience!


Some of What You'll Experience:

  • Develop a deep understanding of the detrimental effects of hustle culture on yourself, your team, and your organization...
  • Learn practical tools and strategies to cultivate a leadership style that is authentically aligned with your values...
  • Devise ways to prioritize what is most important to you - those things that are in alignment with your definition of success...
  • Engage in monthly live events with leadership experts, thought leaders, and peers...
  • Create a personalized pivot plan to define your leadership vision and goals...
  • Implement ways of leading meaningfully not only within your organization but in all areas of your life...
  • Connect with a vibrant community of women leaders who are committed to supporting and empowering each other...

What Now?

Click below to put your name on the list to be among the first to be notified when
the doors for this amazing community officially open.


"[Kathy’s] mix of business, achievement, and life experience make her the perfect person to see people through to the other side when they are feeling most STUCK. Her particular focus on women makes everything feel super relevant as she clearly understands the journey that many of us have taken, and want to take."

Deb Cullerton
Priority Management & Associates, Philadelphia

What Happens Next?

1. Want to know more, click below to watch a short informational - NOT SALES - video I've put together! Also included is a downloadable information sheet that outlines everything you will receive when you enroll.


2. Want to ask your questions directly? You can also sign up below for a 20-minute 1:1 call with me.

Be aware, this is NOT a sales call. This call is STRICTLY so you can ask questions about the cohort and decide whether or not it is a good fit for you. Come with questions!


"I worked with Coach Kathy at a critical time in my career as new systems leader in a large educational organization and when my organization was under significant reorganization and change. Coach Kathy provided me with effective and consistent executive coaching that not only allowed me to survive the challenges associated with reorganization and change but her coaching allowed me to thrive. She provided targeted feedback on my leadership and helped me to process and strategize barriers that could have potentially negatively impacted my career trajectory. Coach Kathy, taught me how to recognize and leverage my internal strengths to navigate system change and also focus on my blind spots. With Coach Kathy by my side, I felt that there was no challenge that I did not have the ability to overcome. I learned a lot about myself on my journey with Coach Kathy that allowed me to be an influential and inspirational leader in my organization and it led to many doors of opportunity being opened for me. Most of all Coach Cathy is a truth teller; she always gave me multiple perspectives on the situations and she held me accountable to things that I had control over, which was myself."

Dr. Nyshawana Francis-Thompson
Chief of Curriculum & Instruction
The School District of Philadelphia

If you know there is more to life than "the hustle", and you're ready to level-up your leadership AND your life, and explore what's on the other side, click the button below to know when it's time to join the...

Leading With Meaning Coaching Cohort!


Together, we will pave the way for a world where women leaders can lead authentically,
create positive change, and make a lasting impact inside AND outside of their organizations!